[1989] (Talonbooks, Vancouver, 1990)
Première lecture Cette traduction a été présentée en lecture publique par le Factory Theatre, en coproduction avec le CEAD, à Toronto, le 22 novembre 1989. Création Alberta Theatre Projects, lors du Play Rites 90 Festival, janvier 1990 Traducteur(s) Linda Gaboriau (Auteur féminin) Nombre de personnages 2 Personnage(s), 2 Homme(s), 2 Acteur(s) |  |
- Original en français par Michel Garneau sous le titre de Les guerriers [1989] (Version VLB Éditeur de 1989 épuisée)
(Réédition disponible: (Les éditions Somme toute, 2018) 17.95$
- Coproduction du Théâtre d'Aujourd'hui et du Centre national des Arts, avril 1989
- Ce texte a été présenté en lecture publique par le CEAD, au 4e Festival des francophonies à Limoges, les 5 et 10 octobre 1987.
Warriors takes place in the controversial world of advertising, where any product, even war itself,
can be sold. The Canadian Armed Forces require a new slogan, forcing two brilliant advertising
executives into the tension of creation, as they consider the morality of the military machine.
Plus d'informations »
- Décor: a set
on which or from which
views of the earth seen from the moon
can be projected or can emerge
not essentially images of combat
but also texts
drawings and photographs of military fashion
the function of this iconography should be clear:
the context of the show is
armchairs sofas
an exercise machine
a tanning couch
a microwave oven
a small freezer-fridge
television sets
vcr machines
cd players
these appliances could be sulptures
evocative images at least
- Caractéristiques des personnages: PAUL
although they drimk a lot
they are never drunk sometimes tipsy
hyper-stimulated by coke coke reigns
paul smokes cigars
gilles steals a few puffs occasionally
but he is often tempted to smoke
the costumes are luxury sportswear
« PAUL: rich bastards | they're rich | very rich | the richest | (long silence | so everyone can think about | the money in national defense) | yeah | but | (solemnly) | there's no life like it | that's what | we gotta beat | you understand that's precisely what | they want us to beat | there's no life like it | go further than that | do better than that | more / GILLES: there's no life like it / PAUL, in dumb admiration: there's no life like it »
Revue de presse
"If you want a challenging piece of theatre, prepare for Warriors." Dan Rogers, Calgary Sun,
January 1990.