Invader [2005]
(in The Collected Radio Drama of Marie-Claire Blais, Cormorant Press, Toronto, 2005)
Résumé A fable of goodness and evil, this is the story of a very kind and generous man, Joseph, who is dispossessed of his land, his wife and his much-beloved son by a passing stranger who has taken up his offer of hospitality and food. Is good-heartedness a tenable virtue or is it just stupidity and lack of clear-sightedness? Extrait « PASSERBY: And what do you read in my face? / MARTHE: Nothing good. You're young on the outside, but it's like age has started wearing you away on the inside. / PASSERBY: So, what you're seeing is decay and rot. What you're smelling is death then? / MARTHE: That 's what it is. I can tell you're going to take advantage of my husband's kindness, and I hate you for it. / JOSEPH: Marthe, now, for God's sake, why get so worked up. I'm quite able to look after myself. / MARTHE: No, no you can't. You're just not smart enough. Look, mister, for starters, what's your name? Where're you from? » |