Traducteur(s) Albert Bermel (Auteur masculin) Nombre de personnages 15 Personnage(s), 4 Femme(s), 11 Homme(s), 15 Acteur(s) | |
A man sits at the top of a pole. He is trying to break a record. From his "tower" he observes the people who come and go under him. As he witnesses their problems, he will find that the best record there is to be able to go through life and accomplish his own destiny.
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- Décor: A street in a poor, heavily populated quarter, on the edge of a large town, near a railroad freight depot.
In the foreground are two houses on either side (Ground floor door and first floor open fully)
Farther back are a fence, an ashcan and the pole.
Lots of space around the pole on top of which is seated man like in a crow's nest so not comfortably.
- Caractéristiques des personnages: PERPLEX
LUNA, his wife
GUS, his promoter
PAULO, number two man to Gus
BEBERTY, number twio man to Paulo
BERTHA, fifty-five-ish
PIPE, seventy-ish
SLIM, a gang boss
MEAN, number two man to Slim
BIS, number two man to Mean
MUGUETTE, a girl
PIERRE, a boy
« MILKMAN: If only you knew how it comforts me to know you're up there at the end of your pole. In the morning I'm always afraid I won't find you there. What a disappointment that would be! And this conversation we hold every morning gives me the courage to go on […]. You've become a friend. (About to leave.) But I'm afraid I won't be able to talk to you so openly when you're back among us, on a level with the cows. See you tomorrow, Mr. Perplex. »