Catch a Tiger [2003] in FORSYTH, Louise H., Anthology of Québec Women's Plays in English Translation, Volume III (1997-2009) (Playwrights Canada Press, Toronto: 2010)
Traducteur(s) Bobby Theodore (Auteur masculin) Nombre de personnages 4 Personnage(s), 3 Femme(s), 1 Homme(s), 4 Acteur(s) | |
Résumé Conrad B. is 34 years old, and eats, sleeps, works and watches TV under his dominating mother's glare. Each and every night, he locks himself in the garage and plays " G.I. Joe ", his boiling inner rage just waiting for a spark to burst into flame. Will Lynda, a new employee at the shop he works for, succeed in saving him from his self imposed slavery?
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- Décor: SCENE 1: A kitchen.
2: A garage. A large cracked mirror. Boxes, a worktable, a miniature table and two chairs. A new toy model (a racecar) and a tube of glue.
3: Break time at the factory
4: The Kitchen. Mother serves dinner. The telephone rings.
5: Break time at the factory.
6: The kitchen.
7: The garage.
8: Night. Mother moves slowly towards the door to Conrad's room. She opens the door quietly. She sits on the bed and looks at her son.
9: The Garage.
10: Break time at the factory.
11: The kitchen at Conrad's house. She's watching a late-night talk show; meanwhile, at Lynda's house.
12: Conrad's bedroom, night.
13: In the kitchen.
14: Conrad's room.
15: Break time at the factory.
16: Early evening. Conrad goes up to his car. He walks around it, looks at it, and touches the body gently. He goes to the door, opens it and stands there, frozen, staring at the empty seat. He takes out his keys, shakes them, slams the door and leaves on foot.
17: At Lynda's house. The door is open. In a bedroom with soft lighting. Lynda, dressed in a negligee, is sitting on the bed. Conrad rings the bell.
18: The garage. The ritual. A dictionary is on the table. Conrad undresses his GI Joes and he ties them together two by two. He hangs them from a pipe on the ceiling. He hits them so they swing wildly.
19: A living room with furniture covered in plastic. Conrad, Mother and Rita are sitting.
20: At Lynda's.
21: Late at night. Conrad enters his room, staggering. His mother, in her nightclothes, is sitting on the bed.
22: The next day. Conrad's room. Mother slides a plate under the door.
23: Lynda knocks on the door to Conrad's apartment. The Mother goes to open it.
24: Conrad's room. There are fifteen untouched plates on the floor.
25: Night. Conrad looks at his car. He takes out his keys and sits in it. Blackout.
26: The garage.
27: The factory.
28: In the kitchen.
29: Conrad's room. Night.
30: The next day. Kitchen.
31: Conrad knocks on Lynda's door. She's not there. He knocks again, then he sits in the hallway. He waits. We hear Lynda coming up the stairs singing. She's a bit tipsy.
32: The next day, at the kitchen table.
33: The next evening. Conrad and Lynda are in bed.
34: At the Granby zoo.
35: Conrad, his arm in a sling, sitting up in bed. Lynda gets ready for bed.
- Caractéristiques des personnages: MOTHER
Extrait « CONRAD : You never saw a tiger did you Fred? That's an animal I like. They don't let anyone get to them. […] They're beautiful even if they're mean and their fur is all matted with blood. Even with the bits of flesh stuck in their teeth. »