The Taster [2008]
(Playwrights Canada Press, Toronto: 2008)17.95$
Résumé At fifteen, Nils is a sensorial genius. Endowed with overdeveloped taste buds, he becomes a microchip taster for O.D.B. Enterprises. The taste of technology allows him to forget the fearsome flavour of art he bit into as a child. In this world, no trace of humanity is tolerated and all works of art have long since been banished to a sealed vault. But Sasha, their elderly keeper, intends to end this general amnesia. He pushes Nils to discover the taste of love, hoping to breach the hearts and minds that have become hardened to life, its violence, and excess. Extrait « SASHA : “…magnificent things are howling beneath my feet…. Frescoes, harmonies, verbs…. All the art that once illuminated the tower still wails, even after being buried alive…. One day… boom! All that art is going to escape. And it's going to climb the tower, and unleash a storm of light! Love will shine furiously!” » |