In a dystopic Canada, a very pregnant doctor and a midwife offer abortions in secret. One night, while they are waiting for their last patient, the unexpected happens, changing things forever. What is revealed is a network that will do whatever it takes to challenge the impregnable status of the fetus. In recent years, anti-abortion groups have been getting younger and younger, more overtly political, more deftly strategic, while politicians both male and female hasten to add their voices to those clamouring for the debate to be reopened. Inspired by current events and by the history of abortion in Quebec, Marie-Ève Milot and Marie-Claude St-Laurent skilfully weave together the political, the legal and the personal, delivering a powerful political thriller that blurs the lines between the distant past and the near future.
Cast : 6 f, 2 m, 1 gender neutral (can be played by 7 people)
Available for English translation
For more information : Alexandre Cadieux / Documentation Center Manager